Santa's Coming To Town
Are you missing out on your yearly family photo with Santa?
Given up on navigation all the VTL rules?
So stuck here for Christmas?
Worry not, our Santa is offering home visits, with story time, laughter, family photos. Plus his giant sack is ready for you to fill with presents for him to hand out.
There’s usually a big entrance, greeting people. He’ll tell a funny story about why he didn’t bring the sleigh. Give out gifts (if any), pose for your family photos and find out what people want for Christmas. Tell a story or answer kids questions (an opportunity for comedy especially for older more wise kids, He'll feed a few questions to get the ball rolling). He'll mingle and get more photos. Then a big farewell."
But he can spend the whole time taking photos if you prefer.
Santa would love a list of the kids names so that when he speakers to them it's as if he knows them. Plus pass me couple of facts about them, that he can weave into the story.
He charges $225 per visit
Yes I know it's super early, but he's already got some bookings. Don't miss out, book now.
Contact Caroline, WhatsApp Biz: 81800240